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EasyBCD是NeoSmart Technologies开发的一款软件,用来配置与调整启动配置数据(BCD)。 下载百科APP 个人中心. 收藏 开发商: NeoSmart Technologies; 软件授权: 共享软件(含非商用免费版); 软件版本: 2.3; 软件大小: 1.83MB
中文. 作者. NeoSmart Technologies. 大小. 下载. 软件许可:免费软件; 软件语言:简体中文(zh),英语; 出版商软件:NeoSmart Technlogies; 小工具:台式电脑PC,超极本,笔记本电脑
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---"Dear NeoSmart Team, Absolutely outstanding software. After my 30 years in the software business, I rarely come across a software product that does exactly what it says it will do. Your recovery utility was perfect -- easy to use, clear, and effective. 从neosmart.net下载iReboot. 编者注:我们尚未在How-To Geek上对该软件进行过亲自测试,但是该软件的作者Neosmart通常可以制造出高质量的产品。不过,您
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